Income Tax ( 80 G) : PN/CIT(exempt)Tech/80G/337/2017-18/5118 | Pan card number : AAATM1657K
Your donation makes a world of a difference at Maharashtra Fellowship for Deaf. There are various ways your generous donations are utilized. Primarily, donations are used towards the education of the students. Most of our students come from poor homes from rural areas. Their parents are unable to support them and pay for their education. Your donations pay for their tuition fees, books, clothes, hostel fees, food, stationery, and healthcare. A part of your donations also go towards the maintenance of the MFD premises. We maintain the classrooms, buildings, buy computers, tables, chairs, and RO water dispensers for the students. All your generous donations makes a huge difference to someone’s life and help them become a independent and self-reliant member of society.